A L’ARME! Festival Vol. XII FINALE

International festival for avantgarde-jazz & vibrant experimental music since 2012

Concert Performance Festival

Key visual of the festival with black lettering on a yellow background


Tickets Tickets Tickets

Ticket Prices

Day ticket: 30 Euro (plus pre-sale fees) 

Festival pass (3 Days): 75 Euro (plus pre-sale fees)

Ticket Prices

Day ticket: 25 Euro (plus pre-sale fees) 

Festival pass (3 Days): 75 Euro (plus pre-sale fees) 


Ticket Prices

Day ticket: 25 Euro (plus pre-sale fees) 

Festival pass (3 Days): 75 Euro (plus pre-sale fees) 


Festival Programme


THU 08 08 2024 from 8 pm – Day 1: Festival Opening
Leila Bordreuil
Narr // Steidle + Saou TV
Stemeseder – Lillinger: Antumbra
Haino / Salvo / Nilssen-Love

FRI 09 08 2024 from 8 pm – Day 2:
Ephemeral Fragments & 1:∞ Gordoa / Czerniawska
I like to Sleep

Naaljos Ljom

SAT 10 08 2024 from 7 pm – Day 3: "LONG LIVE MONIKA!" – For Monika Döring (1937–2024) 
Keiji Haino
Gudrun Gut
Johansson & Jelinek
Frank Bretschneider
Brötzmann Bass Totem / Amadou
Grischa Lichtenberger
Lippok / Gutierrez AV
Electric Indigo
Mieko Suzuki


Eine Veranstaltung von Louis Rastig und Karina Mertin/ABOUTNOW. In Zusammenarbeit mit Radialsystem. Gefördert durch die Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa. Mit großzügiger Unterstützung der Königlich Norwegischen Botschaft.

Medienpartnerschaften: taz, tip Berlin, The Berliner, Cashmere Radio/Pattern Dissection, Bpigs, Rausgegangen, rbb Radio 3.

A L’ARME! Festival Vol. XII FINALE

Five minutes to midnight, the end of an era: With Vol. XII, A L’ARME! Festival celebrates its last edition at Radialsystem, the finale. The last chapter takes place from 8-10 August and tells of encounters, evolution, transgression and change. This year, the resulting programme constantly pushes and ultimately dissolves the boundaries between improvisation, experimentation, noise and performance. Finally, A L’ARME! applies this approach to itself. The last edition creates space, once again, for new things to emerge.

Japanese noise legend Keiji Haino represents the festival’s special practice of presenting artists in different constellations and facets: For the finale, he plays two performances, once accompanied by baritone saxophone and drums, once as a soloist on guitar and microphone.

Long-time companions of the festival, Norwegian drummer Paal Nilssen-Love and guitarist and bassist Caspar Brötzmann from Berlin, share the Radialsystem stage with emerging shooting stars such as Berlin-based Argentinian noise saxophonist Sofía Salvo, who presents a world premiere, or Afro-American star drummer Savannah Harris from New York City, who forms the club-ready avantgarde jazz quartet Økse with Haitian turntablist Val Jeanty, exceptional Berlin bassist Peter Eldh and Danish alto saxophonist Mette Rasmussen. The same goes for the Norwegian-German Duo Naaljos Ljom, who found international acclaim in recent years with their danceable, microtonal update on “Nordic folk” and will devise the after-show party of a long Friday night. I Like To Sleep from Trondheim, meanwhile, present brute, semi-improvisational avant-garde rock for amplified vibraphone, baritone guitar and drums.

The last evening is dedicated to Monika Döring with a programme full of innovation and energy in honour of the legendary concert promoter.

Further information: www.alarmefestival.de


Since 2012, A L’ARME! Festival has opened new perspectives on jazz and experimental music, made unusual collaborations possible and shaped a generation of listeners. With a programme composed of music, art and performance that captures the zeitgeist and anticipates developments, A L’ARME! has become a focal point for current trends, an amplifier of contrasts and an international reference point for transdisciplinary improvisation. These achievements will outlast the festival – as memory, attitude, and space of possibility.

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