Entanglements with Elisa Erkelenz
Concert Talk
Outernational: Transtraditional Concerts
Music as a story of change and migration: “Outernational” is a transtraditional concert series at Radialsystem which goes in search of a contemporary, hybrid, global music, free of exoticism and essentialism. „Outernational Listening Sessions“ and its political, social and post-colonial discussion will offer a framework of introduction to the concerts.
As Radialsystem, a large part of our work is based on cooperation with partners with whom we are closely connected. In our "Entanglements" series, we talk to old and new friends, with whom we take on new perspectives together and constantly change .
Leading up to their concert "EXT INC / REMEMBER ME" on December 22nd, our artistic director Matthias Mohr met Outernational's curator Elisa Erkelenz to talk about the concert series and why and how this partnership works.