Anda, Diana

Performance by Diana Niepce


© Alipio Padilha

© Alipio Padilha

Tickets Tickets

Ticket Prices

16 Euro reduced 12 Euro

Combi-Ticket with "On Stage"
28 Euro  reduced 20 Euro

Duration approx. 60 minutes

Ticket Prices

16 Euro reduced 12 Euro

Combi-Ticket with "On Stage"
28 Euro  reduced 20 Euro

Duration approx. 60 minutes

I want to speak about those things that we keep hidden. For almost my entire life, I did not exist because I believed I had to exist in a body that was not my own. […] I am not incomplete. […] I have stopped searching for my body in the body of the other and found myself as the other. […] Diana Niepce

What lies beyond dance and beyond the body? “Anda, Diana” transforms the body into a revolutionary instrument that questions (bodily) norms and defies prejudice and prevailing social assumptions and aesthetics.

In the award-winning performance “Anda, Diana”, presented at Radialsystem as a Berlin premiere, the dancer and acrobat Diana Niepce offers an intimate look into the process of her self-reconstruction after a fall that led to an irreversible spinal cord injury. In a radical dialogue between body and mind, logic and chaos, the choreographer lets the dancing body emerge and encourages us to challenge bodily norms and counter normativity with new aesthetic values. The disability – although existent – does not represent a victim of the system; on the contrary, this body positions itself as revolutionary outside the norm.

Part of the project “Anda, Diana” is Diana Niepce’s eponymous autobiography: an introspective work developed through painful and personal experiences and shaped by the artistic perspective of the author.


Artistic direction
Diana Niepce

Artistic assistance
BAXI Ostrowski

BAXI Ostrowski
Diana Niepce
Joãozinho da Costa

Dramaturgical collaboration
Rui Catalão

Lighting design
Carlos Ramos

Gonçalo Alegria

Technical management and lights
Roger Madureira

Joa Cirque

Silvana Ivaldi

Production management
Joana Costa Santos

Production tour
Maria Paula

As Niepce‘s

Something Great


Diana Niepce ist Tänzerin, Choreografin und Autorin. Sie absolvierte die Escola Superior de Dança, ein Erasmus-Studium am Teatterikorkeakoulun in Helsinki und einen Master in Kunst und Kommunikation an der Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Sie ist assoziierte Künstlerin bei Espaço do Tempo und entwickelte die Stücke „Dueto“ (2020), „T4“ (2020), „O outro lado da dança“ (2022), „Enfreakment“ (2024) und „Utopia“ (2024). Für ihr Stück „Anda, Diana“ gewann sie den SPA-Preis 2021. Als Tänzerin und Performerin arbeitet Niepce regelmäßig mit nationalen und internationalen Künstler*innen zusammen.

With Conjunctions - Acts of being in relation, a new programme series dedicated to the poetry of “being in relation” launches at Radialsystem in July 2024. Audiences are invited to experience choreographic and musical practices as embodied strategies of knowledge production and transmission over four acts, each with a different thematic emphasis. The separation between body and mind, the dualism of thought and action, and the notion of a universality of knowledge are contrasted with a variety of possibilities of knowledge production that arise with and from the reality of differently situated bodies.

Reflections on how embodied practices can create temporary communities are centred, as well as which power relations become visible in this process, and which new imaginative sphere and emancipatory strategies result from embodied relationships. In addition to immersive performances, concerts and choreographic works, our exchange format Embodied Practices continues parallel to the new series, and collectively explores forms of preserving and transmitting corporeal practices from different cultural contexts.



In co-production with TBA - Teatro do Bairro Alto, Espaço do Tempo and Produção d'Fusão. Residencies in context of co-production: O Espaço do Tempo, Biblioteca de Marvila - CML.
The project is funded by República Portuguesa - Cultura / Direção Geral das Artes, Embaixada da Polónia em Portugal and the Adam Mickiewicz Institut.

As part of ‘Conjunctions - Acts of being in relation’. The series ‘Conjunctions - Acts of being in relation’ is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion as part of the open funding programme. With the support of the Radial Foundation. 

Media partnerships: taz - die tageszeitung, tip Berlin, The Berliner, Rausgegangen-

I want to speak about those things that we keep hidden. For almost my entire life, I did not exist because I believed I had to exist in a body that was not my own. […] I am not incomplete. […] I have stopped searching for my body in the body of the other and found myself as the other. […] Diana Niepce

What lies beyond dance and beyond the body? “Anda, Diana” transforms the body into a revolutionary instrument that questions (bodily) norms and defies prejudice and prevailing social assumptions and aesthetics.

In the award-winning performance “Anda, Diana”, presented at Radialsystem as a Berlin premiere, the dancer and acrobat Diana Niepce offers an intimate look into the process of her self-reconstruction after a fall that led to an irreversible spinal cord injury. In a radical dialogue between body and mind, logic and chaos, the choreographer lets the dancing body emerge and encourages us to challenge bodily norms and counter normativity with new aesthetic values. The disability – although existent – does not represent a victim of the system; on the contrary, this body positions itself as revolutionary outside the norm.

Part of the project “Anda, Diana” is Diana Niepce’s eponymous autobiography: an introspective work developed through painful and personal experiences and shaped by the artistic perspective of the author.


Artistic direction
Diana Niepce

Artistic assistance
BAXI Ostrowski

BAXI Ostrowski
Diana Niepce
Joãozinho da Costa

Dramaturgical collaboration
Rui Catalão

Lighting design
Carlos Ramos

Gonçalo Alegria

Technical management and lights
Roger Madureira

Joa Cirque

Silvana Ivaldi

Production management
Joana Costa Santos

Production tour
Maria Paula

As Niepce‘s

Something Great


Diana Niepce ist Tänzerin, Choreografin und Autorin. Sie absolvierte die Escola Superior de Dança, ein Erasmus-Studium am Teatterikorkeakoulun in Helsinki und einen Master in Kunst und Kommunikation an der Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Sie ist assoziierte Künstlerin bei Espaço do Tempo und entwickelte die Stücke „Dueto“ (2020), „T4“ (2020), „O outro lado da dança“ (2022), „Enfreakment“ (2024) und „Utopia“ (2024). Für ihr Stück „Anda, Diana“ gewann sie den SPA-Preis 2021. Als Tänzerin und Performerin arbeitet Niepce regelmäßig mit nationalen und internationalen Künstler*innen zusammen.


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