Earth Works

Performance by Sergiu Matis

Performance / Tanz

Eine Person mit schwarzer Kapuze kniet inmitten einer Vulkanlandschaft

© Sergiu Matis

Eine Person in gelbem Ganzkörperanzug in einer Gletscherspalte

© Sergiu Matis

The score of the new performance by choreographer Sergiu Matis is composed of texts about personal experiences with our existentially threatened world, written by authors from around the globe. These reflections, commissioned for “Earth Works”, are recited, translated and interpreted by five performers. Prompted by words and sentences, images, figures, choreographic spaces and atmospheres emerge through which the performers move: The text carries them through the choreography and the dancers, in turn, carry the words through the performance space. This interdependent movement gives the texts body and voice, oscillating between grief and hope, destruction and resilience. The performers are driven to act, to discover new pathways and give hope to a society that finds itself threatened by a sixth mass extinction event.

“Earth Works” is a continuation of Sergiu Matis’ long-standing artistic exploration of the climate and biodiversity crisis and the relationship between text and choreography.

“Earth Works” will premiere at Radialsystem as part of the :LOVE: cooperation between Tanzfabrik Berlin and Radialsystem. With the initiative “Radialsystem ♥ Tanzfabrik”, the two institutions are working together to improve the labor and presentation conditions of dance professionals in Berlin.


Concept, choreography, text and performance
Sergiu Matis

Chihiro Araki
Lisa Densem
Moo Kim
Sergiu Matis
Nicola Micallef

Hana Pera Aoake
Rahima Gambo
Priya Jay
Márcia Wayna Kambeba
Jeanine Leane
Sergiu Matis
Harun Morrisson

Mila Pavićević

Antye Greie-Ripatti (AGF)

Stage and lighting design
Ladislav Zajac

Chihiro Araki
Lisa Densem
Philip Ingman
Moo Kim
Sergiu Matis
Nicola Micallef

Technical management and sound
Andrea Parolin

Choreographic assistance
Laurie Young

Anna Chwialkowska
Philip Ingman


Der rumänische Choreograf Sergiu Matis wurde 1981 in Cluj-Napoca geboren. Er erhielt seine Tanzausbildung am Liceul de Coregrafie in Cluj und an der Mannheimer Akademie des Tanzes und begann seine Karriere am Tanztheater Nürnberg. Seit 2008 lebt und arbeitet er in Berlin und kreiert seine eigenen Arbeiten, zuletzt „UNREST“ (2021), „DRANG“ (2022) und „Blazing Worlds“ (2023). Seine Choreografien werden national und international präsentiert, u.a. bei SZENE Salzburg und im PACT Zollverein. Er hat Workshops und Bildungsaktivitäten an verschiedenen Institutionen weltweit geleitet. 2014 schloss er seinen Master in Solo/Dance/Authorship am Hochschulübergreifenden Zentrum für Tanz (HZT) / Universität der Künste Berlin ab.



Radialsystem Tanzfabrik
Tanzfabrik Radialsystem

Tanzfabrik Berlin and Radialsystem have presented artists to a broad audience on the stages of Radialsystem since spring 2019. The collaboration aims to improve the labor and presentation conditions of dance professionals in Berlin beyond their individual institutional contexts. In addition to the visibility of this joint platform, an important moment of nexus between local and international artists and scenes is achieved. Both institutions provide equal support to the artists in the forms of co-production resources, rehearsal spaces and public relations work.


A production by Sergiu Matis, in co-production with Teatro Nacional Dona Maria II Lisbon as part of apap - FEMINIST FUTURES, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, PACT Zollverein, Radialsystem and Tanzfabrik Berlin. With the kind support of BUDA (Kortrijk). Funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

Media partnerships: The Berliner, Rausgegangen, taz - die tageszeitung, tip Berlin.

The score of the new performance by choreographer Sergiu Matis is composed of texts about personal experiences with our existentially threatened world, written by authors from around the globe. These reflections, commissioned for “Earth Works”, are recited, translated and interpreted by five performers. Prompted by words and sentences, images, figures, choreographic spaces and atmospheres emerge through which the performers move: The text carries them through the choreography and the dancers, in turn, carry the words through the performance space. This interdependent movement gives the texts body and voice, oscillating between grief and hope, destruction and resilience. The performers are driven to act, to discover new pathways and give hope to a society that finds itself threatened by a sixth mass extinction event.

“Earth Works” is a continuation of Sergiu Matis’ long-standing artistic exploration of the climate and biodiversity crisis and the relationship between text and choreography.

“Earth Works” will premiere at Radialsystem as part of the :LOVE: cooperation between Tanzfabrik Berlin and Radialsystem. With the initiative “Radialsystem ♥ Tanzfabrik”, the two institutions are working together to improve the labor and presentation conditions of dance professionals in Berlin.


Concept, choreography, text and performance
Sergiu Matis

Chihiro Araki
Lisa Densem
Moo Kim
Sergiu Matis
Nicola Micallef

Hana Pera Aoake
Rahima Gambo
Priya Jay
Márcia Wayna Kambeba
Jeanine Leane
Sergiu Matis
Harun Morrisson

Mila Pavićević

Antye Greie-Ripatti (AGF)

Stage and lighting design
Ladislav Zajac

Chihiro Araki
Lisa Densem
Philip Ingman
Moo Kim
Sergiu Matis
Nicola Micallef

Technical management and sound
Andrea Parolin

Choreographic assistance
Laurie Young

Anna Chwialkowska
Philip Ingman


Der rumänische Choreograf Sergiu Matis wurde 1981 in Cluj-Napoca geboren. Er erhielt seine Tanzausbildung am Liceul de Coregrafie in Cluj und an der Mannheimer Akademie des Tanzes und begann seine Karriere am Tanztheater Nürnberg. Seit 2008 lebt und arbeitet er in Berlin und kreiert seine eigenen Arbeiten, zuletzt „UNREST“ (2021), „DRANG“ (2022) und „Blazing Worlds“ (2023). Seine Choreografien werden national und international präsentiert, u.a. bei SZENE Salzburg und im PACT Zollverein. Er hat Workshops und Bildungsaktivitäten an verschiedenen Institutionen weltweit geleitet. 2014 schloss er seinen Master in Solo/Dance/Authorship am Hochschulübergreifenden Zentrum für Tanz (HZT) / Universität der Künste Berlin ab.


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