CANCELLED: Encounters – Embodied Practices: What’s That Noise?
Listening Session with Sandhya Daemgen
Ticket Prices
Free admission.
The number of participants is limited, please register.
"#3 What's That Noise" is open to all who are interested.
Photographs will be taken during the workshop. If you do not wish to be photographed, please inform our team when you arrive.
We continuously adapt our hygiene concept to current developments and changing regulations. Please inform yourself about the applicable hygiene measures before your visit.
We are sorry to announce that we have to cancel the Listening Session with Sandhya Daemgen "Encounters - Embodied Practices: #3 What's That Noise?" on 12 November due to illness.
In the third instalment of Radialsystem’s practice and dialogue series “Encounters – Embodied Practices”, artist Sandhya Daemgen issues an invitation to an atmospheric listening session. “What's That Noise” leads its audience through an inclusive and diverse narrative of music history: the artist pays tribute to the stories of overlooked or forgotten female musicians, and places them into dialogue with contemporary artists. The focus is particularly centred around female artists and musicians who have transcended musical and social boundaries.
Further information on „Encounters – Embodied Practices“
Artistic direction and host
Sandhya Daemgen
Guest musicians and experts
Die in Berlin lebende Künstlerin Sandhya Daemgen ist Sängerin, Musikerin, Tänzerin und Dozentin und entwickelt interdisziplinäre Performances zwischen Körper, Stimme und Sound. Als Sängerin, Tänzerin und/oder Violinistin arbeitete sie mit international renommierten Künstler*innen wie Tino Sehgal, Arcade Fire, Ari Benjamin Meyers, The Residents und Heiner Goebbels und ist dabei weltweit aufgetreten. Sandhya Daemgen hat in Wien, Hongkong, Basel und Pristina unterrichtet, aktuell unterrichtet sie an der Universität der Künste „Listening as an embodied and political pratice“. Daemgen hat einen Abschluss in Kulturwissenschaften und einen Abschluss in Tanz, Kontext und Choreografie.
Further "Embodied Practices" dates
#2 Matria – Motherland
29 10 2022 2-6 pm
with Rocío Marano
#3 Vocal Practices
12 11 2022 2-6 pm
with Peny Chan and Rully Shabara
#4 Moving Through Emergencies
19 11 2022 7.30-9.30 am
20 11 2022 7.30-9.30 am
with Thiago Granato
#5 foRest – slow medicine
19 11 2022 4-5.30 pm
20 11 2022 4-5.30 pm
with Martha Hincapié Charry
German and English
Encounters – Embodied Practices
Are corporeal techniques part and parcel of what we call culture? Or does culture only arise out of their performance? How do we generate knowledge through shared corporeal practices? And how is knowledge production connected with power? “Encounters – Embodied Practices” is a new series developed by Radialsystem together with Associate Curators Raphael Moussa Hillebrand, Rocío Marano, Sandhya Daemgen and Martha Hincapié Charry. “Embodied Practices” centres around the preservation and transmission of corporeal practices stemming from different cultural contexts and focuses on a form of knowledge production that begins with the body and experience. “Embodied Practices” is an experiential form of knowledge transmission.
In the frame of "Encounters - Embodied Practices". "Encounters" is a project by Radialsystem and is supported by DIEHL+RITTER/TANZPAKT RECONNECT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz.
As part of "SENSE", a series of events by the Radialsystem, funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe. Supported by the Radial Foundation.
We are sorry to announce that we have to cancel the Listening Session with Sandhya Daemgen "Encounters - Embodied Practices: #3 What's That Noise?" on 12 November due to illness.
In the third instalment of Radialsystem’s practice and dialogue series “Encounters – Embodied Practices”, artist Sandhya Daemgen issues an invitation to an atmospheric listening session. “What's That Noise” leads its audience through an inclusive and diverse narrative of music history: the artist pays tribute to the stories of overlooked or forgotten female musicians, and places them into dialogue with contemporary artists. The focus is particularly centred around female artists and musicians who have transcended musical and social boundaries.
Further information on „Encounters – Embodied Practices“
Artistic direction and host
Sandhya Daemgen
Guest musicians and experts
Die in Berlin lebende Künstlerin Sandhya Daemgen ist Sängerin, Musikerin, Tänzerin und Dozentin und entwickelt interdisziplinäre Performances zwischen Körper, Stimme und Sound. Als Sängerin, Tänzerin und/oder Violinistin arbeitete sie mit international renommierten Künstler*innen wie Tino Sehgal, Arcade Fire, Ari Benjamin Meyers, The Residents und Heiner Goebbels und ist dabei weltweit aufgetreten. Sandhya Daemgen hat in Wien, Hongkong, Basel und Pristina unterrichtet, aktuell unterrichtet sie an der Universität der Künste „Listening as an embodied and political pratice“. Daemgen hat einen Abschluss in Kulturwissenschaften und einen Abschluss in Tanz, Kontext und Choreografie.