Nocturnes for a Society

Immersive performance by Myriam Van Imschoot & Lucas van Haesbroeck


Several people lie on air mattresses with blankets and pillows and visit the performance Noctures for a Society in Brussels

© Veerle Vercauteren

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Ticket Prices

18 Euro reduced 14 Euro

Ticket Prices

18 Euro reduced 14 Euro

“Nocturnes for a Society” invites audiences to weave a nocturnal sonic tapestry, a blanket they can wrap around themselves to drift off into an extraordinary sleep, whilst the sounds of the city can be heard in the background.

Myriam Van Imschoot and Lucas van Haesbroeck’s performance enfolds the audience in a poetic soundscape over the course of a summer night, marking the start of Radialsystem’s new series “Conjunctions”, a programme dedicated to the poetry of “being in relation”. The immersive sound experience of “Nocturnes” continues throughout the night, stretching into the early hours of the morning. The audience are active participants in an environment akin to an oasis of light, shadows, sounds, fabrics and dreams, opening space for associations and creating both an individual and shared experiential world.

Sound artist Myriam Van Imschoot and set designer Lucas van Haesbroeck draw on the legacy of American composer and sound activist Pauline Oliveros as well as the myriad traditions of communal “sounding” that people have always used to forge relations with one another. The audience plays a crucial role in this; they interact with each other, with objects and the space in accordance with a score that yields unexpected textures and atmospheres in a natural and nearly casual way. A soundscape for a deep sleep emerges from this collectively generated soundtrack – the nocturne takes on a life of its own and slumbers on through the night in its various phases and cycles of rest.

The performances are preceded by two “Embodied Practices”, whose foci are, respectively, felt production as a shared practice and the voice as a medium of community building. These two exchange sessions make up the next instalment in Radialsystem’s series of “Embodied Practices”, which collectively explore forms of preserving and transmitting corporeal practices from different cultural contexts.


Concept and creation
Myriam Van Imschoot
Lucas van Haesbroeck

Developed by
Myriam Van Imschoot
Lucas van Haesbroeck
Lendl Barcelos
Yann Leguay
Irena Radmanovic
Iwan Van Vlierberghe
Inger Flotve
Anissa Rouas
Ilja Van Vlierberghe

Technical coordination
Iwan Van Vlierberghe

Kaat Balfoort
Ilja Van Vlierberghe


Myriam Van Imschoot kreiert Performances, Lautpoesie und Gesangsstücke und stellt Video- und Klanginstallationen aus. Sie entwirft ortsspezifische Arbeiten für öffentliche Räume in der Stadt und auf dem Land. Derzeit erforscht Myriam Van Imschoot ‘neue Polyphonien' und ihre sozialen und politischen Implikationen. Sie wird regelmäßig eingeladen, um Stimmworkshops zu geben oder gemeinsam mit Marcus Bergner an Klangpoesie zu arbeiten.

Lucas van Haesbroeck (1981) arbeitet als Lichttechniker im Toneelhuis, wo er bereits mit Künstler*innen wie Guy Cassiers, Olympique Dramatique, Mokhallad Rasem und Abke Haring zusammengearbeitet hat. Er entwickelt Beleuchtungskonzepte und Dekorationen für Theater- und Musikproduktionen.


Admission from 7 pm.
The immersive performance lasts 12 hours with an overnight stay. 

With Conjunctions - Acts of being in relation, a new programme series dedicated to the poetry of “being in relation” launches at Radialsystem. Audiences are invited to experience choreographic and musical practices as embodied strategies of knowledge production and transmission over four acts, each with a different thematic emphasis. The separation between body and mind, the dualism of thought and action, and the notion of a universality of knowledge are contrasted with a variety of possibilities of knowledge production that arise with and from the reality of differently situated bodies.

Reflections on how embodied practices can create temporary communities are centred, as well as which power relations become visible in this process, and which new imaginative sphere and emancipatory strategies result from embodied relationships. In addition to immersive performances, concerts and choreographic works, our exchange format “Embodied Practices” continues parallel to the new series, and collectively explores forms of preserving and transmitting corporeal practices from different cultural contexts.


A production by newpolyphonies in co-production with Kunstenfestivaldesarts, KANAL - Centre Pompidou, Reiefestival - Brugge Plus, C-Takt and kunstencentrum BUDA. Thanks to Kaaitheater, P.A.R.T.S, KASK - School of Arts Gent, École natio-nale supérieure d'arts de Paris, KWP Kunstenwerkplaats, GMEA Albi and Perpodium. With the kind support of the Flemish Community, the Tax Relief Measure of the Belgian Federal Government and the Flemish Community of Brussels.

As part of "Conjunctions - Acts of being in relation". The series "Conjunctions - Acts of being in relation" is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion as part of the open funding program. With the support of the Radial Foundation.

Media partnerships Radialsystem: tip Berlin, The Berliner, Rausgegangen, taz. die tageszeitung

“Nocturnes for a Society” invites audiences to weave a nocturnal sonic tapestry, a blanket they can wrap around themselves to drift off into an extraordinary sleep, whilst the sounds of the city can be heard in the background.

Myriam Van Imschoot and Lucas van Haesbroeck’s performance enfolds the audience in a poetic soundscape over the course of a summer night, marking the start of Radialsystem’s new series “Conjunctions”, a programme dedicated to the poetry of “being in relation”. The immersive sound experience of “Nocturnes” continues throughout the night, stretching into the early hours of the morning. The audience are active participants in an environment akin to an oasis of light, shadows, sounds, fabrics and dreams, opening space for associations and creating both an individual and shared experiential world.

Sound artist Myriam Van Imschoot and set designer Lucas van Haesbroeck draw on the legacy of American composer and sound activist Pauline Oliveros as well as the myriad traditions of communal “sounding” that people have always used to forge relations with one another. The audience plays a crucial role in this; they interact with each other, with objects and the space in accordance with a score that yields unexpected textures and atmospheres in a natural and nearly casual way. A soundscape for a deep sleep emerges from this collectively generated soundtrack – the nocturne takes on a life of its own and slumbers on through the night in its various phases and cycles of rest.

The performances are preceded by two “Embodied Practices”, whose foci are, respectively, felt production as a shared practice and the voice as a medium of community building. These two exchange sessions make up the next instalment in Radialsystem’s series of “Embodied Practices”, which collectively explore forms of preserving and transmitting corporeal practices from different cultural contexts.


Concept and creation
Myriam Van Imschoot
Lucas van Haesbroeck

Developed by
Myriam Van Imschoot
Lucas van Haesbroeck
Lendl Barcelos
Yann Leguay
Irena Radmanovic
Iwan Van Vlierberghe
Inger Flotve
Anissa Rouas
Ilja Van Vlierberghe

Technical coordination
Iwan Van Vlierberghe

Kaat Balfoort
Ilja Van Vlierberghe


Myriam Van Imschoot kreiert Performances, Lautpoesie und Gesangsstücke und stellt Video- und Klanginstallationen aus. Sie entwirft ortsspezifische Arbeiten für öffentliche Räume in der Stadt und auf dem Land. Derzeit erforscht Myriam Van Imschoot ‘neue Polyphonien' und ihre sozialen und politischen Implikationen. Sie wird regelmäßig eingeladen, um Stimmworkshops zu geben oder gemeinsam mit Marcus Bergner an Klangpoesie zu arbeiten.

Lucas van Haesbroeck (1981) arbeitet als Lichttechniker im Toneelhuis, wo er bereits mit Künstler*innen wie Guy Cassiers, Olympique Dramatique, Mokhallad Rasem und Abke Haring zusammengearbeitet hat. Er entwickelt Beleuchtungskonzepte und Dekorationen für Theater- und Musikproduktionen.


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