
Kinder- und Jugendtanzcompany Sasha Waltz & Guests


Kinder- und Jugendtanzcompany von Sasha Waltz & Guests © Wibke Storkan

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Ticket Prices

12 Euro  reduced 6 Euro


Ticket Prices

12 Euro  reduced 6 Euro


22 and 23 June marks the first time that all four children’s and youth groups of Sasha Waltz & Guests’ dance company take the stage at Radialsystem. Children’s Dance Group 1 provide insight into research they undertook on the rhythm and power of the ocean in their piece "Water Dance". Following the success of last year’s "stimmen", the young performers in Dance Group 2 discover their playful connection to percussion in "Welleneffekt". In "Constantly becoming" (working title), Group 3 explore questions of identity, belonging, demarcation, and community. The showing ends with the teenagers and young adults of Group 4, who link questions concerning our responsibility in the world with the transformative potential of collective creativity in their new piece "NEXUS", which features live percussion and electronic beats. 


KiCo 1: Choreography and group management
Fernando Balsera Pita
Mata Sakka
Neslihan Schmidt
Viviana Defazio

Neslihan Schmidt

Sasha Waltz & Guests

KiCo 2: Concept and idea
Alessandra Defazio
Annapaola Leso

Choreography and group management
Fernando Balsera Pita
Alessandra Defazio
Annapaola Leso

Alexander Nickmann

Sandra Tiersch

KiCo 3: Choreography and group management
Alessandra Defazio
Wibke Storkan

Alexander Nickmann

Nadja Herklotz

KiCo 4: Choreography and group management
Wibke Storkan

Choreographic assistance
László Sandig

Live music
Ali Hasan

Clara Stürzl


Die Kinder- und Jugendtanzcompany von Sasha Waltz & Guests fördert seit 17 Jahren Kinder dabei, Bewegung als authentische Möglichkeit kennenzulernen und sich auszudrücken. Das Training im Radialsystem bietet den jungen Tanzenden Raum für eine freie Bewegungsschulung unter der Leitung von Tänzer*innen von Sasha Waltz & Guests. Mittlerweile werden die Nachwuchstänzer*innen in vier nach Alter gestaffelten Gruppen (6-8 Jahre, 9-11 Jahre, 11-14 Jahre und 14+ Jahre) individuell gefördert.



Group 1 (6-9 years)

Group 2 (9-11 years)

Group 3 (11-14 years)
„Constantly becoming"

Group 4 (14+ years)


The children's and youth dance company by Sasha Waltz & Guests is a project by Sasha Waltz & Guests in co-operation with the Radialsystem.

Sasha Waltz & Guests is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.

Media partnerships Radialsystem: The Berliner, Rausgegangen, tip Berlin, taz. die tageszeitung.

22 and 23 June marks the first time that all four children’s and youth groups of Sasha Waltz & Guests’ dance company take the stage at Radialsystem. Children’s Dance Group 1 provide insight into research they undertook on the rhythm and power of the ocean in their piece "Water Dance". Following the success of last year’s "stimmen", the young performers in Dance Group 2 discover their playful connection to percussion in "Welleneffekt". In "Constantly becoming" (working title), Group 3 explore questions of identity, belonging, demarcation, and community. The showing ends with the teenagers and young adults of Group 4, who link questions concerning our responsibility in the world with the transformative potential of collective creativity in their new piece "NEXUS", which features live percussion and electronic beats. 


KiCo 1: Choreography and group management
Fernando Balsera Pita
Mata Sakka
Neslihan Schmidt
Viviana Defazio

Neslihan Schmidt

Sasha Waltz & Guests

KiCo 2: Concept and idea
Alessandra Defazio
Annapaola Leso

Choreography and group management
Fernando Balsera Pita
Alessandra Defazio
Annapaola Leso

Alexander Nickmann

Sandra Tiersch

KiCo 3: Choreography and group management
Alessandra Defazio
Wibke Storkan

Alexander Nickmann

Nadja Herklotz

KiCo 4: Choreography and group management
Wibke Storkan

Choreographic assistance
László Sandig

Live music
Ali Hasan

Clara Stürzl


Die Kinder- und Jugendtanzcompany von Sasha Waltz & Guests fördert seit 17 Jahren Kinder dabei, Bewegung als authentische Möglichkeit kennenzulernen und sich auszudrücken. Das Training im Radialsystem bietet den jungen Tanzenden Raum für eine freie Bewegungsschulung unter der Leitung von Tänzer*innen von Sasha Waltz & Guests. Mittlerweile werden die Nachwuchstänzer*innen in vier nach Alter gestaffelten Gruppen (6-8 Jahre, 9-11 Jahre, 11-14 Jahre und 14+ Jahre) individuell gefördert.



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